買い物に行ったのは、ウエストタウンモールにあるTargetとBest buyです。
Targetでは、テレビの値段を見てbest buyと比較し、レンジ、ポット、掃除機をご購入。
UW unionのデビットカードが使えず、日本のクレジットでお支払い。ドル85円くらいなので、全部で1万円強。
さてここでも、UW unionのデビットが使えず、仕方なく日本のクレジットでご購入。
いい感じに車も詰まってきましたが、次に少し離れたBest Buyという電気屋さんに突撃。
まず、テレビのお値段を見てみると、32型テレビが300ドル程度。日本で買うのと比べると安く、さらにバーゲンくらいのお値段とのことなので即大人買い。ここでもUW unionのデビットは使えませんでした。
相手「Hi,I'm****.How are you? 住所と名前を聞かれる。サービス内容を聞かれる。。ここらへんから聞き取れず。。。」
I went to shopping with friend by his car after receiving bed and shipped baggage.
Originally, I should rent a car and have to buy some funitures alone but I don't like to drive because right way drive here,scaring drive alone and I can eat cold food if I rent a car and drive alone.
But I lose shortly.
We went to buy microwave,pot,vacuum,TV,pillows and bedding at the same time.
Especially, it is hard to live without microwave because all of things are cold and freezed stuffs are not able to defrost.
In addition, I have a pan but not have pot therefore I can't drink coffee and eat hot nuddle.
Where we went to shopping, Target and Best Buy in West Town Mall.
I compared the value of TV between Target and Best Buy, I bought microwave, pot,vacuum here.
The UW debit card didn't work. So, I paid with Japanese credit card. Cost is around \10,000 the rate 1$=85\.
And then, I got a bedding and pillow at store next to target. And I needed the fuck used at bathroom.
I have missed this, so shower was spilting out!
Also, I need stuff to use dry a clothes but there is no custom to dry washed clothes.
Actually, the apartment has washing machine and dry washing in each floor. You need to pay $1 each time.
Anyway, there is no stuff to dry. I have to order that to spouse immediately.
In this store, I wasn't able to pay with debit card so I used credit card.
The car was filling with exuipments. We rushed into electrical apliance shop name as Best Buy.
First, I checked the price of TV as 32inch display is $300. It is more cheap compared with Japanese.
Additionary,UW union debit card wasn't function.
Incidentally,I was able to apply the internet service I desired.
It is so hard if you apply the internet service on phone. You can apply by web but you have to call to customer service.
Anyway you can't avoid to receiving a call.
So, I think that I don't mind that if I apply the internet service at store ........
It was sweet thinking..
The application of CHATER only the internet service.
It has 8Mbps $29.99/Mo. In the case of wireless service $10.00/Mo added. Moreover you need to pay $50.00 installation fee.
I was able to recognize what the body of internet service. But the young employee spoke so fast..
Anyway, he makes document and let's go to check!
In my thought, this will be finish to order the set-up day.
It was SO sweet thinking..
First of all, the employee called to somebody.
He handed me a cell phone.
E[Hi. I'm ***. How are you? Asking address and name...Asking the body of service....I wasn't able to understand between conversation....
I[Could you translate me?]
So,I can't survive on phone. The young empolyee traslated the Engilsh to the English. I don't know why...
Show me SSN number or credit number.
Decide the PIN number for now.
So, You need to answer some questions basically yes or no. What you say yes after I say yes.
I was completely kid.
Finally, I acompalished my goal to establish the internet my house.
I just wait the installation day.